The word meditation often conjures up images of people sitting crossed legged on the floor, perhaps even chanting and to some people this is how they find they meditate best.
There are however, many different meditation methods.To me, meditation is a mixture of breathing techniques, visualisation and quiet time that induce a deep relaxation that benefits body and mind.
Meditation is a great way to take time out from our busy lives and give our bodies time to relax. Relaxation has a beneficial effect on our state of health and our physical body reaps the benefit.
Many people find it hard to “switch off” from our busy lives. There is always something to think about – the shopping list going through our minds or the 101 jobs we still have to do. Hence some of the focus of my initial meditation work is often on visualisation and breathing techniques, because until we can relax our bodies and still our minds inner growth will be limited.
As someone who is not too keen on strenuous exercise, I was very pleased to read an article by Dr Herbert Benson, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is convinced that quiet inactivity such as relaxation and meditation are just as important to long-term health as exercise. To me, I would much prefer meditating than pounding on a treadmill at the gym!
As well as calming your mind, meditation helps to:-
- lower blood pressure
- lower heart rate
- balance metabolic rate
- slows down breathing rate
- positively affects hormone levels
- relaxes tense muscles
- reduces pain levels
- stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms
- improve digestion
- boost the immune system
I personally have had some tremendous experiences whilst meditating, including coming up with my business idea of Body in Balance – even the name came to me whilst meditating! Often meditations to use with my clients come to me whilst I am meditating. The idea for my CALM CD came to me whilst I was meditating in the bath!
I started running meditation/relaxation classes in 2003. I was given the opportunity to run these from a Physiotherapy Centre. The owner rightly believed that meditation and relaxation would benefit her patients and reduce their pain levels.
Mediation is suitable for all ages. Children especially benefit from the improvement in concentration, focus and the health benefits that meditation can bring.
Using Crystals for Meditation
Any crystals that you are drawn to can help to enhance the meditation experience. However, those mentioned below have an affinity or a specific role.
Cleanse crystals before use and programme them by asking them to help you in some way e.g. stilling your mind, enhancing your meditation. (See for more details).
Below lists some crystals and what they can help with. This is not an exhaustive list – go with what you are drawn to :-
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Angelite
- Clear Quartz
- Chrysoprase
- Fluorite
- Jasper
- Kyanite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Obsidian
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Serpentine
- Smoky Quartz
- Turquoise
Mental stillness
- Rhodonite
A Meditation for you to try
Choose a crystal that you are drawn to and hold it in your hand (or choose two and hold one each hand). Cleanse and programme before use (See for more details).
Get yourself comfortable (either sitting, lying down, or whatever is comfortable for you) and take some long, slow deep breaths. When your breathing is calm so is your body and mind.
Visualise yourself surrounded in a protective bubble and feel your feet firmly on the floor
Become aware of the crystal(s) in your hand(s).
Visualise the crystal(s) growing in size until it becomes the size of a small cave that you can get inside and be surrounded by the energy of the crystal(s)
Let this energy engulf your whole being and let it calm your mind.
Let this energy filter in to your thoughts and be guided to whatever you are drawn to think about.
Don’t worry if this is everyday thoughts as you may be given the answer to a problem.
Likewise, it may just clear your mind and allow you to enjoy the stillness.
Just go with the flow of whatever you get.
Enjoy these moments of peace and relaxation.
Then in your own time, just allow your focus to bring you back in to your environment.
With your feet firmly on the ground ready to face your life again.
What I do
The Meditation sessions that I now run are bespoke sessions for individuals , couples or for small groups.
These sessions are structured for the needs of the individuals – e.g. relaxation and/or stress relief, pain relief, personal development etc.
Meditation sessions cost £15 for a one-to-one session, £20 per session for a couple, or £35 for a group of up to 5 people.
The sessions are approximately 45 minutes long & are bookable by times/days to suit. I run these sessions from Brockenhurst, in the New Forest, Hampshire, England, but I can also run these via Skype.
I also offer bespoke Crystal & Angel Meditation sessions. I also sell Guided Meditation CD’s that I have composed and these can be purchased via my website There are three different CD’s :-
CD One – Morning and Evening Meditations
Track One is designed for first thing in the morning. It prepares & energises you for the day ahead (14 mins).
Track Two is designed to be used at night. This meditation reviews your day, helping you to “let go” of the days events, preparing you for a restorative nights sleep (26 mins).
This meditation is designed to be used at any time of the day when you would like your body to be filled with CALM. It will help you to remove stress, pain, tension and worries from your body (30 mins).
CD Three – Chakra Balance
This CD will help you to Cleanse and balance your Chakras – energy centres within us that spin and keep our body, mind and spirit in balance.
Track One is designed for when you have time to dedicate to your chakras and give them a thorough balance and cleanse. (31.30 mins)
Track Two is designed to be used when time is short, but when you still wish to balance your chakras. (13.30 mins)
Cost – Special Offer £8 each or any two for £15 and they are available via mail order.
Please contact me for more details
I am also currently running a monthly guided Crystal Meditation Group. During these sessions we study and meditate with a different crystal each month. This next session is on Thursday 15th March from 10.30am – 12.30pm. Future sessions are on Thursday 19th April and Thursday 17th May.
If there is sufficient interest, I will also run an evening session.
The cost is £10 per session or £50 if you pay for 6 sessions in advance. The cost includes the crystal that you will be meditating with, a handout containing information about that crystal and refreshments. These sessions are held in Brockenhurst. Please contact me for more details.
I am also running some courses in conjunction with Ringwood Adult Education in Ringwood:-
Thursday 1st March from 9.30am – 12.30pm – A “Meditation Morning” – Learn how to meditate to help you to manage stress, pain & take control of your life.
Thursday 8th March from 9.30am – 12.30pm – Time for You – Learn how to relax and make time for yourself using breathing techniques, crystals and meditation
For more details go
Whatever type of meditation you practice, your body and mind will benefit from it.
I will finish from a quote from Confucius, Chinese Ethical Teacher& Philosopher, BC 551-479
The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.
Happy meditating!
Body in Balance