
This is my gratitude crystal.  It is a nice flat piece of Carnelian – one of my favourite crystals!

I keep it by my bed to remind me of all that I have to be grateful for in my life.  I see it when I get up in the morning and when I go to bed and I am reminded how fortunate I am – for my lovely husband, my family, my friends, for my crystals, my customers, for being able to live in the New Forest, for the sunshine, perhaps something special I am doing/have done that day …

Even if I think I have had a “bad” day, when I look at my Gratitude Crystal I am reminded of good things that happened that day that I am grateful for – the stranger who smiled at me, a door being held open for me, the birds singing, the nice wholesome food I ate, a text from a friend.  It makes me realise that my day wasn’t as “bad” as I thought it was and “good” things did happen.

A gratitude crystal can be any type crystal of your choosing.  I personally like flat crystals as they are nice to hold when I want to be reminded of all that I have to be grateful for.

I have recently moved house – from a lovely rented house to a house that needs a lot of working doing to it. When our furniture arrived three weeks ago, virtually all the floorboards on the first floor were still raised so that new wiring and central heating pipes could be put in, so all our worldly goods were (are still mostly are!) piled floor to ceiling downstairs.

In those three weeks we have had a lot to be grateful for – the workmen who have been doing the necessary work so we now have power, hot water and lighting, our old neighbours who let us stay in their house when ours wasn’t habitable and the support of our friends and family.

Last weekend we were able to make up a bedroom and clear some room in the lounge for a sofa and TV (essential to Barry to watch sport!).  This was something to be grateful for.

I chuckled to myself this morning when I was proudly showing the builder my  “kitchen” as I now have electricity in the kitchen and have a space to put a mini oven (gratefully lent to us),  an electric grill (gratefully won in a raffle) and a single ring to put a saucepan on.

So think of what you have to be grateful for in your life.  Choose a crystal to use as a Gratitude Crystal and look at it frequently to remind you of the good things to be grateful for in your life. Don’t dwell on anything negative, (we all have that to varying degrees), but see how many positive things you do have to be grateful for.  Some people like to write down 5 or 10 things that they were grateful for at the end of each day in a nice little book, and this may also be something that appeals to you.

A recent ‘quote of the day’ from Brahma Kumaris said that “The quality of thought creates the quality of life”, so if your thoughts reflect you gratitude, so will your life.