An immune system that is compromised can be vulnerable. If the immune system is not functioning at its peak, it cannot defend against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
As we face many challenges at present, I thought that a blog about how we can strengthen the immune system would be useful.
As we face many challenges at present, I thought that a blog about how we can strengthen the immune system would be useful.
Fortunately, it is possible to strengthen the immune system with crystals, crystal grids and crystal elixirs.
Immune-Enhancing Crystals
Sitting or lying for half an hour inside a crystal grid, or immersing in a bathtub full of immune-enhancing crystals substantially tunes up the immune system but it reaches its optimum performance after a night spent with crystals. If immunity is low, keep the grid permanently in place around the bed, and carry an immune-stimulating stone during the day.
Regular readers of this blog will know that I am a great believer in Crystal elixirs and I would strongly recommend making a crystal elixir to boost your immune system. Instructions on how to make a crystal elixir can be found here
The thymus gland plays an important part in keeping the immune system healthy. Rutilated Quartz, Bloodstone and other thymus-stimulating stones can be worn over the thymus (just above the heart) throughout the day. For acute infections, immediately place over thymus gland and keep there for as long as possible.
Crystals that boost the immune system include :-
Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Azurite with Malachite, Black & Green Tourmaline, Bloodstone (Heliotrope), Calcite, Chalcedony, Clear Quartz, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moss Agate, Onyx, Sardonyx, Smithsonite, Turquoise, Yellow Jasper.
Crystals to boost the Thymus Gland
Aqua Aura, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Dioptase, Green Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Rutilated Quartz.
I hope that there is something here that you can try.
If you require crystals, I can post crystals to you if I have them in stock.. Crystals will be chosen specifically for you. A photo of the selected crystals and prices will be emailed to you. When you are happy with the selection, the crystals will be posted out to you. Depending on the crystals chosen, postage usually cost between £1.06 and £3.55 (for UK)