Crystal Healing

In this blog I am going to talk about Crystal Healing.

After I trained to be a healer, I was introduced to crystals.  Like the healing, I found them very powerful and started to experiment using crystals in self-healing.  I was astounded with the results and went on to study this more.I started doing Crystal Healing with my clients and they noticed how good it made them feel.

After doing this for several years, I looked into how I would go about writing and teaching a Crystal Healing Diploma, being from a teaching background.The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) and Holistic Insurance both approved the course and so I started teaching the diploma course in 2008.

I am about to start a new intake of students for the course on Monday 11th February so I thought I would tell you a bit about my Crystal Healing diploma course.

This crystal healing combines the benefits of healing and the therapeutic properties of crystals chosen to suit your needs.

Healing energy balances the whole person – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

It induces deep relaxation which kick starts your own self healing mechanism.  You do not have to be ill to receive crystal healing.  Often people come to experience the relaxation and revitalisation which healing brings.

Crystal Healing Diploma Course Information & Syllabus

This diploma studies the combination of hands-on healing with crystals to give an effective and safe method of healing.

This course has been approved by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) and Holistic Insurance Services.


To teach each student a method of hands-on healing that combines the use of crystals

To provide the theoretical and practical knowledge and confidence to become a Crystal Healer

To provide a learning environment that allows the student to grow and develop in knowledge, awareness and confidence.

To provide ongoing tutor support and guidance and post graduate studies.


A Diploma in Crystal Healing from the Body in Balance Crystal Healing College

The Course

This will consist of 90 hours of tutor-led sessions.  In addition to this, the student will be expected to complete home study


Case studies (a minimum of ten treatments on five different people)

A learning journal (an ongoing record of spiritual development of the student over the course)

A variety of tasks to further the learning of the student (reading, studying, questions and essays)

The student will be monitored by continual assessments of the above assignments.


Healing – you will be taught a method of hand-on healing that combines well with using crystals in the healing session

The sensing and channelling of energy

Preparation for the healing session


Crystal Formation

Choosing Crystals

Cleansing Crystals

Programming Crystals

Linking with crystals

Study of a variety of Crystals

The properties of crystals – for physical, emotional and spiritual healing

Crystal Treatments – different of treatments for a variety of health situations (including the immune system, emotional, stress relief, insomnia, women-specific )

Meditating with Crystals -including the benefits & regular practical sessions

The Chakra system 

How it affects our physical, emotional and spiritual self

Cleansing, balancing and energising the chakras

Crystal affinities with the chakras

The aura

The physical and subtle bodies

Clearing blockages using crystals

The Physical & Emotional Body – understanding the cause and messages of dis-ease


Protection – for the therapist and client

Self-Healing  – the importance of

Distant Healing

Crystal Elixirs

Basic Anatomy and Physiology

Basic First Aid

Setting up a Crystal Healing practise

Insurance, the room, managing time, setting boundaries

Listening skills

Crystals for Animal Healing

£1500  (either payable in a lump sum, or with a £300 deposit and then by Standing Order £50 a month for 24 months or £100 a month for 12 months).

Dates  – Please contact me via the comments page for more details

Feedback – This is what one of my students said about the course:-

This course enriched my spiritual life beyond measure!  
Working with crystals has been an exciting and enlightening adventure.
I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in crystals or healing, it is all-absorbing and rewarding in so many ways.

A great course – I learned so much and it was fun!”

If you are interested in the course or have any questions, please do contact me via the comments page or my website.